The furthereducationcollege said the mediaeval weapon would be symbolic of students' success and aspirations.
He told the Dáil on Tuesday the buildings, five schools and a furthereducationcollege, were about 90 per cent completed.
Scotland is a step nearer having a new university following ministerial approval to merge an existing higher education institution and furthereducationcollege.
You could also ask your local furthereducationcollege for information about other routes to degree-level qualifications, such as foundation degrees and diplomas.
However, a VEC and a furthereducationcollege have put in applications, according to a spokesperson for the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
Ús de fe college en anglès
BTEC National Diploma in Sport at Hartlepool FECollege.
Does he fear FEcolleges will become the dumping ground for non-academic pupils?
But the trouble is, FEcolleges aren't very good at doing a rounded education.
But as Ebdon then explains, the university validates diplomas in those subjects, offered respectively by the National Childbirth Trust and a local FEcollege.